Hi Welcom to HCM
I have gone through your query regarding your
blood test results . That indicates all readings are found above normal or on borderline . It is a matter of great concern .
Pls compare your test result with the detailes given below an act accordingly . .
Normal SGPT level ranges from 7 to 56 units per- Higher level causes problems for liver.
Creatinine 0.7 to 1.3 mg/dL for men and 0.6 to 1.1 mg/dL for women. Women usually have a lower creatinine .
Normal for non diabitic Hba1C - 4% and 5.6% , for diabitic 7% is Border line
Glucose (Fasting) - 85 - 110
Normal Uric Acid range between 3.5 and 7.2 mg/dL.
Triglyceride Below 150 mg/dl Desirable
150-199 mg/dL Border line
HDL 40-49 mg/dL (men)
50-59 mg/dL (women) Better
LDL 130-159 mg/dL 3.4-4.1 mmol/L Borderline
For the most accurate measurements, don't eat or drink anything (other than water) for nine to 12 hours before the blood sample is taken.
You need to take care of your life style and modify your food habits to strengthen your immune system .When the immune system becomes weak, the cells of diseases can grow out of control , the disease overcomes the healthy cells leaving us ill .
Treatment with some supplements and alternative therapies being full of anti bacterial and antioxidants to improve quality of life , help increase immunity and accelarate the process of recovery .
Our over all health depends on 'what ewe eat ,when we eat and how we eat'.
Take balanced diet including all essential nutrients - fiber ,protiens ,vitamins minrals in natural form as greaen leafy veges ,fruit and antioxidants -lemon ,ginger garlic , papaya , guava ,
Aloe vera , amla , nuts , Turmeric powder with milk at bed time , lot of water to eliminate toxins from your body .
Avoidance of fried , fast foods , tea ,coffee , alcohol , smoking , mental stress worry , anger and
constipation normally make way to strengthen immune system .
Antioxidants maximizes natural minerals so that your body has the raw materials it needs , to do what it was designed to do.
. Physical activity in order to renew healthy cell and rebuild itself, so you should make exercise a lifelong commitment.
Do 30 mins walk/ exercise - from head to toe ,yoga ,pranayam - deep breatihing , Kapalbhatti / Laughing aloud . proper rest ,
meditation & positive thinking , to detoxify your system to accelerate the process of recovery .
and I suggest you to consult your doctor for relvent guidance
HOPE THIS HELPS SOLVE YOUR QUERY Take care All the best Wish you early recovery . If any doubt mail at drsuchda@gmail.com
Dont hesitate for futher query if any .