Hello, thanks for the query. I understand your confusion regarding the endocrine orchestra. Let's try to sort one by one.
Firstly it would have been great and could have helped to draw a line of management if you provided few more details like
A. Duration of your married life
B. How long have you been trying
C. Your job nature
D. Your thyroid hormone,
testosterone levels.
Coming to your questions, I can suggest you these things based on the available information.
Prolactin is an important hormone that affects
fertility and fortunately this cause is easily correctable by drugs which can normalise sperm count and motility. An increase in prolactin causes decrease in sperm count, motility and quality. It reduces testosterone (male hormone) levels as well.
I see that your prolactin has been adequately treated and you have stopped it three months ago. But your sperm count is at 6 million recently which is low and cannot be reasoned accurately without evaluating in depth. Unfortunately, male factors like
oligospermia (
low sperm count) are difficult to treat and
intrauterine insemination (iui) where good quality sperms are separated in adequate numbers and are injected directly into the uterus, is tried as treatment method to aid conception.
2. Your FSH is at the higher end of normal range and difficult to remark as I don't have your testosterone levels available. It varies in response to other hormonal levels like prolactin and testosterone.
3.Fertyl M works by increasing FSH which augments sperm count. As your FSH is normal, its unlikely to help you significantly.
4. Your
varicocele is currently mild and doesn't require a surgery. Wearing cotton and comfortable undergarments, quitting alcohol and smoking if you are used to, helps. Nothing needs to be done for varicocele as of now. Vitamin A, E and C supplements enhance sperm qualby working as antioxidants.
5. To know the best line of action your partner needs to get few tests to know if she s ovulating and if her fallopian tubes (hysterosalpingogram) are good. If yes, you can try iui for 4 to 6 cycles provided your processed semen count is preferably 5 million.
Hope you have been answered satisfactorily. Good luck.