Hey thanks for your faith in the health care Magic
I have gone through your question and I understood your problem.
Though fibroids tend to grow in size during
pregnancy, it is unlikely that they will cause you any symptoms. Some pregnant women do experience minor symptoms, particularly
pelvic pain and light spotting. This is especially common if you experience fibroid torsion, when a fibroid growing on a stalk begins to twist. However, most pregnant women will not even know that the fibroids are there.
Most pregnant women who have fibroids will not experience any complications with their pregnancy either. However, fibroids during pregnancy do increase your risk of
miscarriage or
preterm labor slightly. Occasionally, complications can arise if your fibroids become very large. Complications can include:
postpartum hemorrhaging
obstructed labor (if the fibroid grows into the birth canal)
fetal malpresentations (sometimes fibroids grow into the
uterus, forcing your baby into an unusual position)
stalled labor
cesarean section
So I will suggest you to consult with your obstetrician as soon as possible and get counselled.Thank you.