Dear Sir,
My name is Ibrahim and my age is 31 years. I had sever urge urination in childhood along with bed wetting. I always used to urinate in the class! since then the problem continued but i never took it serious. besides this my first orgasm was in the age of 12 years and then always used to masturbate or rub my prostate with pillow etc. Sir, I never ever enjoyed sensation while discharge due to per-mature ejaculation. Recently, the urination problem is simply unstoppable and unbearable. i visit a urologist one week before, he advised Lumber spine x-ray and Ultrasound KUb Prevoid and postvoid and Urine R/E.
Urine r/e and lumber spine x-ray looks normal. but Ultrasound result is showing "Mild Prosatatomegaly with residual urine and Prostate is equal to 38 G. Please advis your opinion.
kind regards