I have gone through your query and understand your concern.
There are numerous causes for gas build in the intestines.
One of the common cause is taking high fiber diet.
Even though high fiber diet is good for health.
The digestion of high fiber by fermentation lead to production of high amount of gas.
Further contributing factors are swallowed air, artificial sweeteners in food, medications.
It is not advisable to use the laxatives like senna without proper
doctor advice.
Because its excessive use may increase the gas pain by increasing the motility of bowel.
Some medical conditions like
inflammatory bowel disease or
diverticulitis may also increase the gas and produce gas pains.
It can be easily treated by Diet modifications and some over counter medicines.
1. Identify the foods which aggravate or produce the gas problems. Try to stay away from that foods.
2. Always try to avoid Fat and Deep fried foods
3. Now you have to Temporarily cut back on high-fiber foods
4. Reduce the intake of diary products
Simethicone available in over the counter medicine will be helpful in gas.
6. Engage in physical activity regularly
Try all these measures.
if the pain persists or recurs after the short period, then you might need to investigate for any Inflammatory bowel disease or diverticulitis by
colonoscopy and
biopsy studies.
Hope this helps.
Please write back for further queries.
Wishing you good health.