Hello doctor, i have following semen analysis parameters: Volume=4ml, Appearance: Creamy White
Liquefaction Time(min): 30 min
Consistency Thin, pH: 8.0
SPERM MOTILITY (%) (100 Spermatozoa)
a) Rapid Progression: 40%
b) Slow progression: 15%, Non progressive mortality=5%,
Immotile= 40%,Agglutination= nil, Vitality= nil
Count per ml= 98 million,
Count / ml: 98 Million
Normal= 60%, abnormal= 40%, head defects=10%,
tail defects=15%, neck and mid piece defects= 8%,
cytoplasmic droplets=5 % , headless pinhead=pus cells= 4-6%,
Red blood cells=6-8 %
Epithelial cells= nil
Please let me know, is everything OK?