hello and welcome,
The report says that the size of the
uterus is bigger than normal. This is due to the fibroids. They are non cancerous tumors of the uterus and are very common. They sometimes grow to big sizes and may cause bleeding, pain, pressure on
rectum leading to
constipation or loose motions etc. Your report says that you have multiple meaning many fibroids. This is also not uncommon. The 2 bigger ones are at the upper part of uterus and are about 5x5 cm.
The endometrium is the uterine lining and it is normal in your case. The non visualization of right ovary may be due to the fibroids [or if you had any ovarian surgery before, please check]. The left ovary is normal.
So you have multiple fibroids and they are big. The treatment depends upon weather you want to keep the uterus and have more children or remove the uterus [ hysterectomy]. Other options include
endometrial ablation and embolisation of
uterine artery, drugs like danazole and GnRh analogues.
Kindly discuss all these with your gynecologist and decide the one that suits you the best.
Do not worry. The fibroids are common and can be treated easily.
Hope this satisfies your query.
Thanks for using HCM.
Feel free to ask any more questions that you may have.
Dr Madhuri Bagde
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist