! Hello! I am a quite healthy and active 76 year old woman who has never given birth. Was in a car accident about 6 years ago and wrenched my R shoulder fom the back seat to the front. AAbout a year ago someone rear ended me & I jumped out of the car and reinjured that same shoulder. Have had physical therapy, get massages monthly and am now seeing a chiropractor and it doesnot seem to lbe improving much. An Xray revealed 2 bone spurs on that shoulder. What would U advise me to do. I m continuing exercizes assigned me but not when they hurt or a jabbing pain erupts usually down the center of the shoulder and stops about 4 in. above my elbow ... What to do??? Also,I eat well, lots of fruits and veggies, chicken & fish, do not eat many packaged foods and wonder how much calcium citrate does this healthy body need to take as a supplement??? Thanks....Thanks for your response, Mary