Hi, About a month ago, I developed low-grade chills and felt dizzy after apparently being bitten by some sort of bug. ( I went to bed , and the next morning I had three welts on my body that were itchy for a few days.) A few days later, I noticed a lump at the base of my neck. It got larger over the course of the following week, and then began to shrink a little bit. An ultrasound determined that I had a multinodular goiter, with no signs of calcification present. I am still waitng for an endocrinologist appointment. Some early results of blood testing are as follows: TSH 13.32 , T4 and free t3 normal, TAA 3.1 ( this was read to me over the phone, as complete results are not yet in). What could this diagnosis be? I am 58 years old, and reached menopause Aug. 2014. I either missed symptoms of this coming on, or it was very sudden in onset. Whwn I started to get chills, my hot flashes stopped , and did nor start again until about a week ago. Thanks