Dear Junior Doctor ... welcome ...
first of all ur father's history u written, looks very good ...
in case of ICD's, doctors use to programme the ICD for a particular rate.
for eg 170
heart rate .. that means whenever heart rate will be more than 170, ICD will give a
shock. some time what happens ICD sensing properly losses, and it gives a wrong heart rate signal to defibrillator during exercise, running ect. ICD cant differentiates normal
sinus rhythm and Ventriculat
tachycardia it look only for heart Rate and according to that it gives shocks.
solution for these type of problem is that u should go to ur cardiologist he will set the ICD in different parameter.
so, dont worry , every problem has some solution ...
good luck and be a GOOD human being, becoz a good hu being can be GOOD DOCTOR ... keep in touch .. for further queries ...