I have been dealing with Graves Disease for the past 18 months. First 12 of these I was undiagnosed/misdiagnosed. During this time I have gained 50 pounds, and felt more horrible than I have ever felt in my life. I have done everything I can think of to lose the weight, but nothing helps. I ve worked with a nutritionist, joined weight watchers, walk daily and eat a very healthy diet. My current Dr. is pushing for RAI ablation. I have many fears regarding this route. End result is hypothyroidism - which causes WEIGHT GAIN!!! Currently on 60 mg Cymbalta, 15 mg methimazole. I am 57 years old and feel closer to 90 years old. What can possibly be done about the extreme weight gain? I am still gaining. I feel horrible about my appearance and it s not helping with the depression.