Hi,Dear,Dont get hopeless and desperate.
Thanks for the query to HCM.
I went through your query in-depth and Understood your health concerns.
In my opinion the cause-
- of your mothers bleed from black pea sized bulge is as follows-
a-Sudden noticing of the tumour mostly -leads me to label the bleeding cause -is because of the--BITE-TRAUMA -which lead to bite
HEMATOMA -of black colour.
-As I am short of more clinical data,I would alert YOU for the CAUTION-of such a complaint-as I would advise Surgeons opinion-on toungue who would fix the diagnosis by clinical and FNAC
Biopsy for any-Suspicious growth or the un-noticed-TOUNGUE Ulcer, which would cause such a event of bleeding at Dinner time as your mother had.
-It could be a benign tumour-AV malformation HAMARTOMA-
Hemangioma unnoticed and now found after bleed.
a-Consult ER-Surgeon who would according to the causal factor diagnosed after proper investigations as suggested above.
Hope this would help you to work a plan with your doctor.
Wishing you early and fast recovery.
Wellcome to my HCM Clinic for further queries in this matter.
Wishing you Good Health ASAP.
Have a Good Day .
Dr.Savaskar ,
M.S.Genl-Thorasic CVTS
Super specialist in Asthma/Cancer and non-curable diseases.