Hi ,
How are you doing ?
Let me give you a list of investigations which can find if any hindrances
Semen analysis at least 2- done 4 weeks apart preferably in an
infertility center ( examination done by andrologist), Blood sugars
Wife - Blood Sugars,
Thyroid profile
Ultrasound scans to evaluate
Uterus , Ovaries & adnexa
Confirm tubal patency- most important- Tube is the connection
between uterus & ovaries( the bridge where sperm meets the egg &
forms a baby) this is size of hair follicle & cannot be seen on scans.
So check with HSG( Xray with dye), or SSG ( Scan with dye) or
If all this done & found normal , nothing can stop a pregnancy with God's will
For the best fertility period.
Have sex daily or alternate days once your bleeding stops. This is to clear the old sperms. (1st day of bleeding is first day of periods) , stop sex on day 10, No sex for 2-3days then again have sex from day 13 for next 5 days. This is time of ovulation. This will definitely get more healthy & young sperms to reach egg. Older sperms will cause lower
pregnancy rate & unhealthy pregnancy.
Hope I have clarified your queries
All the best