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Bubbles in the ear due to collection of fluid in the ear and we call it as
serous otitis media..there are many other names for this like glue ear...
Yes deviated septum can cause
nasal obstruction there by poor ventilation of your ear..you know there is something called Eustachian tube which connects the ear with back of nose...so the poor ventilation can lead to bubbles in ear that is glue ear...
You can try the following ...
Antihistamines - levocetrizine 10 mg once daily
Xylometazoline nasal drops - 2 drops three times daily in both nostrils
Another important home treatment is Menthol steam inhalation - add Menthol salts to a bowl of steaming water and inhale the steam two - three times daily - ventilate your
Another thing that you should do as often as possible is called the
Valsalva Manouvre. Take a deep breath, close your nose with your fingers, puff out your cheeks and then swallow, so that air goes from the nose into your ears, do this whenever you can, this will help to give you relief and ventilate ear and clear bubbles...
wish you a speedy recovery....