Hallow Dear,
You have indeed described your symptoms intelligently.
The feeling of the baby slipping down and pain in the lower abdomen is suggesting that the mouth of the
uterus is opening and there is risk of premature delivery. Had these symptoms appeared before 28 weeks of
pregnancy, I would have diagnosed it as incompetent internal os of the
cervix and would have advised you to undergo cervical tightening.
Now at this stage, please take complete
bed rest in head low position. Pillows under feet will not help, you have to raise the foot end of the bed by 6"-8". Some uterine relaxant medicines may help relax the uterus. Also please take
steroid injections to help the maturity of the baby's lungs in case you deliver prematurely.
Please report to your Obstetrician ASAP. Do not take it lightly and ignore it.
I hope you will take the required action ASAP.