1. since you consulted specialist for your problem and got diagnosed with specific investigation, thus she must have ruled out other causes of polymenorrhea with suitable examination [per vaginum/per speculum]and investigation [for hormonal disturbances]
2. since proper medical evaluation is sought, thus lifestyle changes such as reduced exercise,
stress management, proper weight along with prescribed medicines can be started.
PS. There is no specific treatment to stop polymenorrhea.The main treatment is correcting the underlying condition whenever possible. [hyperplastic endometrium in your case]
3. Femilon [desogesterol and ethinylestradiol] is a low dose oral
contraceptive, which apart from preventing pregnancy also helps to regulate your menstrual cycle [menstrual irregularities-polymenorrhea in your case], you should be familiar with some of the side effects of the drug like:
intermenstrual bleeding, post-medication amenorrhoea, changes in cervical secretions, increase in the size of fibroids, aggravation of
endometriosis and certain vaginal infections (e.g.
candidiasis), consult your gynaecologist to exclude the possibility of any disorder, whether or not related to the use of Femilon.
4. In modern aspect: if there is no relief with conservative line of treatment, you need to consult your gynecologist for endometrial curettage & biopsy, if bleeding persists after curettage,
hysterectomy is the choice [but since your are in child bearing age [21 yrs, unmarried,] thus be in regular follow up with your gynecologist to avoid these possibilities.
5. In Ayurveda we treat the disease on the line of 'Rakta Pradar':
. avoid: hot/spicy food,meat,eggs,red chillies,tea,warm milk
. take: old brown rice,amla,pomegranate, cold milk,honey,ghee,pumpkin,moong dal khichdi,black grapes,pears.
. take 1 ripe banana with 6gm ghee daily.
. Prescription medicines which you can take: tablet styplon, Ms tone/forte, pushyanug churan,lodhra assav, patrang assav,
chandraprabha vati.