Hello there, Im 23 years old and have a 3 year old, me and my partner have been trying to get pregnant for about 2 years now, i miscarried about 6 months ago. Since then i have been testing whenever i feel like i could be pregnant again, i had 10 home strip tests and over a period of 3 weeks or so i have been using them every other day because i have been getting pregnancy symptoms, but all 9 came back negetive. I did my last one yesterday and that was posistive. Im tired all the time and im very very late on my period. all the signs are pointing to me being pregnant, but im worried because of losing the baby before. The result line was faint but absolutly there and clear. Im going to go doctors ASAP but id like to know what the possibiltys are of pregnancy and if what im feeling in my body is real. I have sore breasts, bloated uncomftable stomache, missed period, and i can barely keep my eyes open by around 6 in the evening. help!