Hallow Dear,
Production of ova is one factor in fertilization and pregnancy. However, healthy sperms should reach the ovum to fertilize it.
Hence, if you are ovulating normally, please get few more investigations done to assess the remaining factors:
1. Semen examination of your partner after 4 days abstinence. This will inform us about the quality and quantity of the sperms.
2. Tests for patency and normalcy of the genital tract. Laparoscopy with
hysteroscopy will provide us this information. Without patency, the sperms may not reach the ovum.
Depending up on these factors, you may require further management.
If all these factors are within normal limits, then your case will fall under unexplained
infertility where Artificial Reproductory Techniques like
intrauterine insemination,
in vitro fertilization with
embryo transfer, ICSI, etc. may be useful.
I would definitely like to help you further if you ask me Direct question with uploading all the advised and previous reports.
I am sure, this information is helpful to you.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri