Hi, two weeks ago I woke up with a swelling of the area between the upper eyelid and the eyebrows, under the eyes it was swollen as well. I thought perhaps I just had a bad night (I wake up with swollen eyes more often) but it has been over two weeks now and is not getting any less. Both eyes are affected, although the left one is much more swollen. I have tried everyhting from sleeping with my head raised, putting cold coths on the skin, taking anti-histamine, in case it is due to some allergy but nothing helps. I have tried drinking water before going to sleep and threw out the mascara I was using. No change. Docor said the area there is just very sensitive, in my case, and it will subside but it has been over two weeks now. No itching at all, no red eyes or blurred vision, and also the eyelids themselves were bot swollen but the areas above and below the eyelids. I am wearing contacts but since there seemed nothing wrong with the eyes themselves, I figured its something else. There is just a lot of fluid under my skin, all of a sudden. Every morning its there, somethimes the fluid changes places, sometimes more to the left or right, sometimes more under of over the eye.....
However yesterday evening the corner of the eye that is LEAST affected by the swelling, started to hurt, I took out my contacts and went to bed, and now its hurting again, the corner of the eye that is least swollen, and it's the corner towards the ear. It almost seems this is something else together......strange. I thougt of HAE, or quincke's edema, but they say the flares don't last that long, and mine has been over two weeks........ Any idea? No other symptoms, but my head was clogged up a few weeks ago from one of those cold virusses and it stayed for a long time...don't know if it could be related. No itch, no redness, no known allergies. However I am working in a dusty area fo a couple of weeks, but in the weekend when I am home, I see no difference.....