Hi, I m 26 years old and 24 days late for my period. I have been taking yasmin contraceptive pill for 11 months now previous to that I was taking microgynon 30 for ten years. I have never been any more than 12 hours late for a period before. I have done numerous hpt forst one at 5 days late showing faintly positive and the rest were negative and also had a blood test stating hcg levels of less than 1. My Dr has stated that I am categorically not pregnant and should resume taking my pill suggesting possible hormone imbalances which can just happen and correct themselves - I decided to have a break from my pill as if it is an imbalance I do not want to put more hormones into my body. 9 days ago at 15 days late I experienced the most excruciating pain in my abdomen and was told to take pain killers, the pain is still occurring on a less severe basis. My Dr automatically ruled out ectopic as I have tested negative for pregnancy. They concluded 6 days ago that I am to go back if pain persists but I am basically told I m fine don t worry. I m not stressed, over or underweight. I spotted exactly one week prior to my period being due and throughout the week I should have had my period I experienced clear discharge quite stringy in consistency and occasionally tinged pink, cloudy discharge followed this. I did have cramping around that time as if my period was arriving but it did not. I have experienced symptoms if pregnancy such as breast tenderness, nausea over certain foods, inability to finish food, headaches, very emotional, frequent and urgent urination, extreme fatigue and lower back pain. Can you provide any light on this situation as non iv the stated is normal in my normal very regular 28 day cycle. Very frustrating feeling something is not right but being told otherwise