I have had a number of symptoms for the last 7 weeks - sudden high pulse rate and blood pressure, which after approx. an hour drops back to normal. Also at this time, I feel shivery with my arms and legs also feeling weak.
I have been to hospital on 3 ocassions over the 7 weeks. A number of blood tests were taken and are still being taken via my GP, plus now awaiting a heart scan appointment. I am currently on a low dose of beta Blockers to try and keep my pulse rate down, but tonight had another sudden attack. GP came out about an hour later, by which time my pulse rate was back to norm. Explained that I was also going to the loo quite a lot, so he prescribed some antibiotics. The sooner the cause of this is diagnosed the better as my energy level is very low all of the time, and I just end up sitting in a chair all day. Any thoughts on this as all the doctors I have seen so far are currently baffled? My Age is 62. Prior to this starting 7 weeks ago, I have been very healthy - visits to see a doctor over the 62 years, you could count on one hand.