I had blighted ovum 1 year ago where I was detected with intramural hormonal fibroid but it wasnt removed bcoz ob thinks it might not affect future pregnancy. After 7 months I got pregnant again with the use of clomid. Im having brown to red spotting after that but the baby is doing fine. Everthing is normal except at 3 months, dr saw a blood on the top of placenta and it was removed by itself after a month. At 4th month I had bleeding and I went to e.r. and found I have a slight uti, I was given iv buscopan. The following day, I went to my ob and gave me promulot depot and pesseries. At 5 month, I was diagnosed with low amionotic fluid and baby seems to be small. Ob said this is bcoz my fibrois is sucking up the blood and nutrient from placenta. She gave me aspirin daily and instructed me to sleep left side. On my 6&2 weeks months check-up they found my baby died and amionotic fluid dried up. I dont know how it happened. They ask me if I feel it moving or something and since its my first time I cant determined if the movement I am feeling at that time is gas or baby movement. All I noticed during my pregnancy is at 4th month my face suddenly swell and my nose, my fluid retention is so high my feet and hands are swollen too when Im not active. I felt palpitations most of the time. And bf is 120/90 or sometimes a little high if im active. Now they will induce me and after a month or until the fibroid shrink they will do myomectomy to removed it. Can you please tell me what went wrong? I so lost and depressed for losing my angel. In liza 29 years old. Having same blood type with my husband o+/ different nationalities. Thanks