Thanks for writing your query
Based on your description this
injury is called coccygodynia. My advice for you would be-
1. Sitz’s bath- sit in the tub filled with lukewarm water for 10-15 minutes two times daily.
2. Avoid sitting on hard surface and try to sit on one buttock. Avoid jerky rides and take rest.
3. Medication wise you may take
Ibuprofen for few days.
It usually takes 2-3 week time to heal. If the problem persists see your local doctor.
Polyps may not be related to tail
bone pain. The symptoms in your hand are suggestive of
carpal tunnel syndrome that is
nerve (Median) compression at wrist. This may be confirmed by EMG/NCV test.
Yes you may save the whole discussion we had.
Take care and wish you good health.
Dr.chugh Orthopaedic surgeon