Hallow Dear,
The first cardinal symptom of
pregnancy is missing a period. You have missed your period for 8 days. When a sexually active woman in reproductory age group misses her period, we consider it due to pregnancy unless and until proved otherwise. By this time, all other cardinal symptoms usually appear; however it is not a rule. The other symptoms of early pregnancy are:
1. Frequency of urination: You are already having.
Nausea &
vomiting of pregnancy with
pica. Your history does not have any mention about this.
3. Breast changes like engorgement and tenderness, dark discolouration of
areola and nipples with areolar widening, Montgomery's tubercles under the areola and secretions through nipples: You history does not mention any of these symptoms. However, these symptoms may appear somewhat later.
All the other symptoms you have mentioned are not specific of diagnosing pregnancy. In fact, the different pains that you have mentioned never occur during normal pregnancy.
My advice to you would be to go for a standard quality pregnancy test kit. Perform the test on the overnight first early morning urine sample. Else, you may go for a more reliable
Beta hCG test. Either of these will confirm the diagnosis.
If these tests reveal that you are not pregnant, you may take Tab.
Deviry for 5 days. 4-7 days alter you should get your menses.
For the other symptoms, please report to your physician for appropriate management.
I hope this helps you.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri