Hi! priti ,
Welcome to HealthcareMagic forum,
What you have is called
HIRSUTISM .The best and permanent (long term) would be lasers.
Facial and body hair can be because of idiopathic reason(i.e. no exact cause) ,to
hormonal (as in Poly-cystic ovary disease-PCOD ) or
thyroid cases or familial ...rarely it can also be because of some topical creams or oral tablets .Its important to diagnose the cause first .There are certain other feature which we look for in such cases like- acne(pimples),
irregular periods ,weight gain &
scalp hair loss.If you have any of these,then you should get the hormone test done .
The best of the treatment is lasers which is a permanent treatment (strictly speaking long term) .Laser hair reduction requires multiple sessions at an interval of say 4-6wks.Normally one would require 6-8 sessions ,but if one has hormonal problem then you may need more touch ups.It is safe an effective...but you should go for it only if you have thick or moderately thick hair.Very fine hair may not show good result.Blonde or gray hair also don't respond well to lasers. Result also depends upon which laser machine you are going for.There are three basic types of lasers used --
1) IPL(intense pulse light)
2) Nd:yag laser
3) Diode laser.
The best of the lot is DIODE laser which is costly but very effective .The worst would be a IPL (which is actually not even a laser),its just a light device and it can cause burn marks too.Many doctors keep this machine as the cost of machine is less as compared to diode laser.In IPL you would require many more sessions as compared to diode and thus t he cost would go up.
Diode laser not only destroys the root of hair which is black but also the stem cells responsible for new growth of hair. Nd:yag laser comes next ,inferior to Diode laser.But if you don't get a diode in your place then you can go for Nd;yag.One thing you should remember before taking the laser ,that its not just the machine but the man behind the machine also which is important.I've been doing lasers myself for last 12 years now ,so I know in and out about lasers .I f you are further interested then you can visit my website www.skinhairclinc.com for details .The cost vary from site to site .An
upper lip would approx cost you 8000/- for six sessions .This might slightly vary from center to center.Similar is the cost for side burns too.
But remember don't take laser treatments from any beauty parlor,prefer a laser clinic run by a
I hope this would help you decide which technique to go for & approx cost.