I have been suffering with sever joint swelling/pain in several fingers, both thumbs & in both feet at the 2nd toes & thebottom of feet near the little toes & in my achilles tendon & bottom of heels for over a year. This past summer it moved into both knees with the right one being the worst. I have tested positive for scleroderma & lupus since 2010 but my the 2 rheumatologist that I have seen don t think I have scleroderma because they can t see in signs on my skin. The local Rheumatologist thinks I have a connective tissue disorder just desn t know which one? So recommended I go on Plaquinel. In November my family physician tested me & told me I have Psuedo-Gout but the Predinisone and the gout medicine did not get rid of the symptoms. I did finally agree to try plaquenil & started that 2 wks ago. The prednisone does lessen the symptoms alittle,. Last Thursday she told me I have Poly Myalgia Rheumatica. I went in to see her because I am in such severe pain that I can t walk, climb the stairs in our house, use my hands for anything, can t sleep & the pain is literally driving me insane. I have shooting, searing pain in my hands & feet. On thursday she gave me a shot of solu-medrol. It worked by that very evening but within 24 hrs my symptoms were back with a vengence & now my elbows are affected too. I have suffered with severe Fibromyalgia for 30 yrs so I know what it is to live with a chronic pain illness but this is so far beyond Fibromyalgia. I am not sure my doctors really know what I have and are just using the Prednisone& Plaquenil because they hope it will help me but I don t want to use either of these drugs due to the terrible side effects. I am wondering if I should just leave Montana & go to one of the Mayo Clinics? I am the type of person who needs exact & detailed answers. So what ever information you can offer me will be greatly appreciated. I hope I have given you enough info with out dragging on too much. Thank you for your help.