Hi I am a 46 yr old woman, tubes tied 10 years ago. I suffer Graves disease, radiation of thyroid, chronic left side pelvic pain (cause not diagnosed), IBS, Acid reflux, major tiredness, fibromialgia and depression (on many meds). 3 years ongoing hemorrhaging. Just been diagnosed with Bulky Adenomyhotic uterus with single posterior subserosal fibrod. 2nd thing, thing endometrial lining & normal ovraries. Dr pushing for the Mirena, but I have opted for Ablation of the uterus. Why would I not be the PERFECT candidate for a hysterectomy? . I am tired of all this hemmoraging. I am currently on Visane which I am told I need to come off, but this has controlled my hemmoraging for 6 months. I would like your thoughts please re ablation vs hysterectomy. Thank you and I await your answer.