A VEMP was performed (Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential) test in order to assess parts of the patient's BALANCE SYSTEM that lie within the
inner ear.
This is one type of BALANCE TEST that can be done usually when someone complains of
dizziness, wooziness, or disequilibrium.
Other tests that also assess the integrity of the inner ear mechanisms include CALORIC TESTING,
Specifically, a VEMP assesses 2 items of the inner ear. One is called the UTRICLE and the other is the SACCULE. Information is also gathered in this test about the
VESTIBULAR NERVE (superior connection to the UTRICLE and inferior connected to the SACCULE).
The test found an abnormality present in BOTH inner ears (Right worse than Left).
However, the test COULD NOT determine exactly which component of the system was not working properly.
The abnormality picked up by the test was that of the SACCULO-COLLIC REFLEX (SCR).
This is one of MANY postural reflexes the body utilizes which keeps head and the body aligned against acceleration forces. In this case the SCR is stated to be abnormal.
This reflex keeps the head and body aligned against forces of movement or acceleration in a VERTICAL PLANE to the body.
As an example, if a person were to be in a free fall situation because they jumped off the rooftop or from a ladder, the fact that the head and body don't go FLAILING while in the air is because of this REFLEX's ability to make instantaneous adjustments to the muscles of the neck and torso so that everything stays aligned.
Once the person hits the ground then, anything can happen but while there is an acceleration force in a vertical direction the SCR will automatically keep head and body from going crazy in the air. Pretty nifty, yes?
In the case of this individual the SCR was measured as abnormal on both sides (right side being worse than left).
As a result of making that call the doctor went on to state that in their opinion either the SACCULUS or the INFERIOR VESTIBULAR NERVE connected to the sacculus were not working properly.
The SACCULUS is the element of the balance system found in the inner ear that sends information to the brain on vertical LINEAR acceleration of the head (and body since the 2 are connected).
The INFERIOR VESTIBULAR NERVE is the cable that ties the SACCULUS to the brain and transmits the data. Apparently, the utricles and superior vestibular nerves are A-OK.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Take care
Dr Dariush Saghafi, Neurologist