1. The cause of graying seems to be a combination of genetic factors and
stress in the body, along with vitamin B-12 deficiency or problems with pituitary or
thyroid gland can cause premature graying. [so check with necessary examination and relevant investigations]
2. graying of hair occur from hair follicle inside, while dye is just a coloring matter from outside, so couldn't be the culprit. [unless and until the chemical in dye has direct influence on the follicle(s).
. Avoid oily,spicy,fried,and left over food.
. Avoid too much exposure to heat,dry and windy climate.
. Avoid Stress and have a good sleep, along with regular morning walk of 45 minutes.
Massage lightly with Mahabhringraj oil at night (before retiring to bed)
. Soap nut,along with shikakai+bhringraj and Nalini oil acts as natural conditioner.
4. you can take
Vitamin A diet (carrot,milk,papaya,cantaloupe, pumpkin,mango, squash,kale) along with vitamin B (milk,eggs,nuts,mushrooms,green vegetables, cereals,pasta)