Respected User, hi I evaluated your query thoroughly.
This relates to infection of large colon mostly.
*As you are already due for your
colonoscopy, but still till you meet your
Gastrologist should :
@Take plenty of liquids in form of boiled water, coconut water, rice water,
home made juices, butter milk etc. to maintain your hydration.
@Keep your BP, Blood sugar and
cholesterol under control.
@Should avoid all oily / spicy / nonveg stuffs.
smoking / alcohol / abuse substances if taking any.
@Remain some ambulatory not bed riden.
@In our clinic we prescribe pre & pro biotics along with gut antibiotics for
the same but for that you have to consult your doctor.
Hope this clears you from your query.
Thanks for using Health care Magic and reviewing my answer.
Wishing you fast and speedy recovery from the same.
Bye Dear take care.