Hi, I have cronic sores that keep showing up on my vagina. They feel like cuts, that appear randomly. My doctor gave me a steroid cream to bring the swelling down. it burns to use it. the area will heal up in about a couple of weeks, then a NEW area, for no apparent reason, will begin showing signs of cuts and or blisters. When urine hits those areas it burns greatly. Many of the cuts will blead. I am doing everything I know to keep the area clean by washing with gentle water, and when I wipe with toilet paper, am very gently to pat the area dry. Just so you know, I am a diabetic 2, I am age 43 and am a Woman. I only have sex with my husband about one time per month with my husband. I try not to masterbate too. My doctor treated it with antibiotics thinking that would cure it, but it did not do anything. I need help as I have trouble even sleeping. The sores will show up right ON my Vulva, or right at the Very Top of my vagina. I get the sores inbetween the two lips, I get the sores in the soft tisure between my but hole and the hole in the middle. I don t know a lot of tecknickle names. I have an injuy to my leg so I take a lot of meds. I take oxycodone for pain, glyburide and metformin and Januvia all for diabeties. I take celibrux for arthritis in my hip and lox back I do not have a fever, I do not have any funny smell or discharge. I no not have any pain inside my uterus, All the cuts are on the outside of my vagina, between the lips and such. no sores seem to be inside. I do not have high blood preasure, I do not have high colistreal. so, their is a run down for you doctor. Oh, I have regular periods. I am the height of about 5 feet 7 inches and weigh about 272 pounds please help me, My name is: changed to Unknown