I have hair loss, reoccurring sinitus/ enlarged turbinates from an allergy, my circulation is really bad in my nose ears feet and hands especially. It seems like I have muscle atrophy / weight loss, occasionally very bloated when I eat. I have anxiety so have had palpitations and numbness/ache/weakness in body especially hands and forearms. I also have low iron/anemic which I take medicine for. I do have low iron but I think I have parasites/fungal infection. I used to live with a close friend at university and she had candida (fungal infection) similar symptoms- especially intestines/bloating/hair loss. I have had pinworms in the past, also I had a white/silver/grey scaly patch/rash on my stomach slightly and a year later on my hand. I'm not sure if this is related but I'm exhausted the doctor said it is probably low iron still. I have taken iron tablets and they suggest a blood test for full blood count and iron levels. My thyroid and previous blood tests were ok, I did one for lupus and that was ruled out. My collar/shoulder gap is very hollow I can feel my bones in my hands