Hello, and I hope I can help you today.
First, the leading cause of death in the US is
heart disease, both in men and women.
Secondly, there are many reasons that a woman may not get her period regularly. Hormonal imbalances, some systemic diseases, extreme weight gain or loss, age, and heredity can all play a role. Many women have irregular cycles their whole lives. Provera will make you get your period if your body is making estrogen, however it will not correct the underlying problem. And many women with
irregular periods do not ovulate regularly, so you may find that you may not succesfully conceive.
I recommend you consult with either a
fertility specialist or a GYN doctor as you really need an evaluation of your hormone levels to determine what is causing your irregular cycles, as well as help you to conceive if it is found that you do not ovulate regularly. Tests of your thyroid hormone levels and
Prolactin (a pituitary hormone) are also recommended as well as abnormal levels of either of these hormones can make you miss your period.
A common condition called PCOS (
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a combination of
anovulation, irregular periods, obesity and
excessive hair growth that has nothing really to do with ovarian cysts. It runs in families, and many women with this condition never menstruate unless they take birth control or Provera. PCOS is diagnosed by hormone tests and treated with either birth control pills if pregnancy is desired, or fertility medications in patients who desire pregnancy.
So in summary, heart disease is the number one killer of people in the US (as well as most Western countries). And secondly, there are many potential causes of your not getting regular periods, however a visit to a GYN doctor or fertility specialist and some blood tests should be able to give you the answers about your condition.
I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today and that this information was helpful.
Best wishes,
Dr. Brown