How do i know my yeast infection is completely gone?I have been battling with yeast infections for just over 3 years, the latest meds i have been on are Gynotran and mycosyst prescribed by my obgyno, because it is said i have bad yeast infection. I have used the gynotran inserts ( 7 day treatment) 2 times already. Before i did i use to have itching whenever i leave my home, but it was not at all excessive. After use of the meds, i do still have slight itches whenever i go out, but hardly anything when i am at home. My discharge is hard to describe, its not stretching, it dries quickly sometime yellow, kinda sticky when it is near drying. My discharge is also kinda wet, it wets the seat of my undies with a stain of white discharge that slightly thick and transparen and it does not have a strong scent. I have another round of treatment to go waiting to administer it after my next period. But based on my readings what is it that's happening to my body, i am very depressed because, the infection has prevented me from having sex for over 4 years now and i am afraid i wont get the chance to either. can someone please tell me whats going on19 minutes ago
- 4 days left to answer.
Additional DetailsI really dont have the money to go back to a doctor, its really demanding this problem and i am really tired of it, i really need expert opinions