Hi, thanks for writing to HCM.
The management pattern of a fractured
tibia is determined by the fracture configuration.
- If the fracture is undisplaced, it will be treated conservatively with a cast or brace for 6-8 weeks with avoidance of bearing weight on the limb.
- if the fracture is displaced, it will be treated by
Internal fixation methods (either a nail or a plate), after which strict non weight bearing has to be maintained till the bony union is seen on serial xrays.
To prevent swelling of foot and ankle, the leg is to be kept in elevation most of the times in a day and active toe movements have to be performed frequently. You can also use elastic compression stockings to prevent swelling in the foot.
So, I suggest you to consult your treating doctor and discuss all your issues, as he is a better judge.
Hope this information is helpful. Good day