I had an utlra sound and it s been two days. the doctor received the results today but will not call untill tomorrow. I have been waiting two days now. I know that is not long, but I have questions. Reults show mild enlargement of the uterus with heterogeneous yometrium texture throughout due to several small fibroids the largest is 1.4 cm. My uterus measures 9.4x4.8x5.3 cm with fibroid ranging from 1.4 cm to smaller in size. Nabothian cysts are seen IN the cervix, the largest is 12 mm and endometrial echo complex is 5.5 mm. No free fiuld was found. The right ovary is small. Notes of my history - the left ovary was removed 15 years ago becuase of a tumor - no issue with that at the time.... (I also did have part of the cervis removed over a year ago due to adnormal invasive cells. I had a clear pap just 5 months ago). I am 50 years old and up untill 4 months ago my periods were on time and normal. Several months ago i started having pain in my lower abdomen and lower back pain. I usually run a low grade fever, head aches daily, and the last 2 months have been having nausea and feeling full all the time...