I'm being treated for autoimmune issues NOS other than Iritis/Uevitis, fibromyalgia, and possible sarcoidosis. In Sept, I think it was, I had a bout of shingles that effected my scalp on the left side. excruciating to say the least. Since then I've had flu-like symptoms, then a sore throat, my glands in my throat have be swollen. I've been treated with antibiotics twice and once course of prednisone for inflammation of my lungs. Since late December I haven't been able to receive my infusion of Remicade due to a low grade fever. The fever has not abated. I wake in the morning with a very low elevation, for me that is, of 98.8 but it always go up by the evening. For the past three days including right now it is 100.3. My rheumatologist doesn't seem concerned because when I see him during the day my temp is usually only slightly elevated, but it has on other days been 99.3. I've taken to keeping a recorded diary of my symptoms because I don't always remember them when I'm sitting in front of my doctor. Oh... I just realized there isn't exactly a doc that will answer me immediately. So I will continue. I currently am really fatigued, I ache everywhere, nearly quite literally, I'm exhausted and find it hard to get anything done. I'll await your answer. PLEASE DON'T SELL MY EMAIL ADDRESS TO ANYONE!