1. since type of fluid is not mentioned [mucous/purulent/watery/fatty] thus it is recommended to go for an expert opinion with a
General Surgeon to rule out any Rectal Pathology [irrespective of cause and outcome]
2. Reduce
anxiety,eliminate sugar from diet,no caffeine, plenty [2 litres or more] water per day, fiber rich diet,Increased fibre rich diet, probiotics [medicine and yogurt].
3. regarding your Acidity problem:
i. Avoid food which take more time to digest or irritate stomach mucosa like: cabbage/ sprouts, onions, asparagus, pears, apples, peaches,chewing gum,milk products,fruit juice,vinegar,alcohol, caffeine,greasy-spicy-refined foods,Avoid oily food, aerated drinks, and over eating, instead take regular moderate meals.Avoid swallowing of air i.e. sipping tea, chewing gum, aerated drinks.
ii. Eat slowly, avoid haste, chew properly.
iii. Avoid onions, peas, beans.
iv. Close the mouth while belching
Abdominal exercises to improve the tone of abdominal muscles: straight leg raising, sit ups, walking, jogging
vi..eating a little less than demanded by appetite is important.