HI! thank you again for having this wonderful service online,IM a bit a of a hypochondriac always prodding and poking myself trying to find a lump to go along with my self diagnosis, currently being treated for it as well, but about 3 weeks ago i discovered a rice shaped lump under my arm close to the top near the armpit but not on the armpit, i've looked up the auxillery nodes and its not one of them, it doesnt hurt my mom told me im crazy and its just muscle and fat and that sometimes muscle hangs down and she told me i should exercise my girlfriend said everything would be okay too and shes a nurse, but its about hte size of (----) doesnt hurt doesnt feel swollen hangs freely and moves around no redness, also , im no more fatigued then normal, no cough other then when i smoke and theres no fever or any other symptoms of sickness.