hi, i used to have knee length hair in my childhood aroud 5 or 6. Twice I had my head shaved within age of 12 due to myth that shaving off hair gives better hair groowth, but post that my hair has never been very long as before. Now am 29. my hair lline has started thinning. i don t like short hair and really want it to grow long. i have shoulder length hair now. I have tried all tips, right from cocnut oil to castor oil to pure almond oil to bhringaraj to sesa and now m susning cantharidine. almond oil and cantharidine seems ok, castor oil is goood for wwekly application. But my hair is not thickening and becoming long as it should be. there hardly 2 inch growth in 4 months. Can you please guide as to what is the rigth way to maintain good hair health? I oil my hair regularly and wash my hair daily. Is this harmful? And lstly, whats the best shampoo to use?