hi,here is your answer;
1.diagnosis is
peptic ulcer disease.
2.penagastrin test is done to see the response of gastric glands for acid secretion, it also rules out
atrophic gastritis, carcinoid syndrome and even
medullary carcinoma thyroid which can together constitute MEN syndrome.
3.fasting gastrin level are raised in gastrinoma or
zollinger ellison syndrome but it is not raised in peptic ulcer disease.
4.antacids neutralises gastric acid and increases gastric ph , it may reduce gastric acid secretion by gastric glands.
5.H2 antagonist block histamine receptor in the parietal cells and thus decreases gastric acid secretion.
bland small diet feed every 3 hour during waking period, tea and coffe should be avoide or should be taken with ample of milk, avoid fried, spicy foods, chillies, pickle, sour fruits, raw vwgwtables, alcohol, smoking and
tobacco chewing. avoid NSAIDs.