Thanks for your query and an elucidate history. One thing is for sure . No
lymph node in this position ever shown to be cancer. So first of all forget about cancer. It is not due to cancer.
Let us see them what it can be .
As you say this all started in 2009 - enlarging since last one month; this can be a sebaceous
cyst or a
lipoma or a lymph node too.
You can test this by FNAC = fine needle aspiration cytology.
It is better to get this removed (excised) for 2 reasons.
1> your get rid of the disease and
2> you get the histopathological diagnosis- makes you tension-free that it is not a cancer.
Well - another misconception- Eustachian tube blockage will cause problem of the ears only.
Sinusitis can be a reason for this and the headache. The best way to get a proper diagnosis is consult an ENT Surgeon who would do a proper history, clinical examination, investigations as per these findings alone can lead to a proper diagnosis . This is most important to lead to a proper management/ treatment.