Hi, I m a little confused. I am 30 years old. I have a 6 year old boy, 2 years ago i had an early misscarriage. My hcg levels declined and nothing showed on the ultersound at nearly 8 weeks. My partner and i are TTC. I came off the Pill in April and officially started TTC last month. My last period was 15th June 2012. The last two months i have had a 28 day cycle. I had a 28 day cycle with my son and conceived around day 14-15 after my period. So i am taking it that this is still the case. We had sex bang on day 14 of my cycle - 29th June. I should start my period today but it hasn t come yet. (Early days i know) I started having abdominal cramps and lower back pain about 5 days after sex, like PMS symtoms but no period. I have felt increasingly tired. Then on tues of this week I went to the doctors as i felt like i had a urinary tract infection - confirmed by tests - although mild as i picked up on it so soon. He has put me on 250mg CEFALEXIN, today is my last dose and still having increased need to urinate but no burning sensation. Still have dull lower back ache though. Temp is only half a degree higher than normal so OK, blood pressure up a little bit - Nothing to worry over. I only ever get mild cramps and backache the day before or day of my period if at all - not a week and a half before it starts. This was odd. No spotting. Discharge was thick/white, no odour, no irritation. Now it dry and sometimes i feel watery - i think i have come on my period, dash to the loo and nothing there, just a bit of clear, watery odourless discharge. I took a pregnancy test (yes too early) on sunday the 8th - 6 days before period due - the day i had the worst of the cramps - It came up very faint positive. Since then i have done one at the docs - 4 days before period - neg. One yesterday - neg. One this morning on the day my period should come - neg. I feel like im going to start my period and have done for a week and a half but nothing has happened. Rang docs today, asked him all these questions and he just said Well you know your body - is it normal for you? thats why i asked!! I have asked for a blood test but he said to wait until next week. He also told me to take 2 of my tablets 500MG 3 times a day rather than just one 4 times a day, but im nearly finished with them, have two left and still not quite right with the pee situation and maybe the lower back ache has been caused by the UTI. He said he couldnt fit me in to examine me today so i have to wait until monday. I have been off work for 2 days because i feel so run down. Im not sleeping great due to cramping on an off and back ache, i have had really horrid vivid dreams. Clearly if my tests are showing negative ive ruled out pregnancy. I just feel like ive been on my period for a week and a half but with no blood? whats going on. Please advise.