Hi doct, Had fell of during playing sepaktakraw and pain at backbone. Then when for xray shows that potentially slipdisc and gallstone. After that, checked for MRI & urine test (slipdisc-negative and urine having a bit of red blood cells. 1 week later (today), did again for urine test & found out still having red blood cells. Then when for Ultrasound Abdomen & Pelvis. Here is the report. what is your advise base on this report (Ultrasound abdomen & pelvis): - Liver shows normal parenchymal echotexture & is normal in size. No focal liver lesion seen. - Portal veins & hepatic veins are patent & normal in caliber. - Gallbladder is normal. No gallbladder stone or polyp. - Bile ducts are not dilated. - Spleen is normal in size. no focal splenic lesion. - Pancreas is partially obscured by bowel gases. The visualized part of the pancreas is normal. - No abdominal aortic aneurysm. - No upper abdominal lymphadenopathy. - Both kidneys are normal in size, parenchymal thickness & echopattern. - A simple cortical cyst (6mm) at upper pole of left kidney. - No renal stone or mass. No hydronephrosis. - No perihephric hematoma. - Urinary bladder is normal. - Prostate gland is normal in size, measuring 2.8 x 3.2 x 3.7cm (18.6cm3) - No ascites. Impression: - Incidental findings of simple left renal cortical cyst.