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I think that the prescription needs some revision and then it will automatically take care of his sleep and other problem issues.
According to me , his
sodium valproate should be increased to 750-1500 mg, all preffrably at night ( uptill 1 gm ) and rest in morning after breakfast.
You can stop
lamitor all together - as the effect of valproate at adequate dosage will take care of bipolar fluctuations.
melact has only methyl cobalamin , if there is no deficiency of Vit b 12 in your father, we can opt for better combination of
multivitamin, like neurogardin or chorus etc, which will help his health.
If at all there is some sleeping issues, one can add
zolpidem at night , in a dose of 6.25 to 12.5 mg. This is non addictive molecule and safe.
It is difficult to understand if his fear is due to
anxiety or suspiciousness, as details in question are not enough. so, at present I cannot tell what will be suitable to add for this part.
However, you may discuss the above advice points with his treating team and get them working.
It will be worthwhile to get his routine
blood test, including platelets, liver and
kidney test.
Hope the reply helps you
please feel free to ask more questions for any clarification
Dr. Manisha Gopal
MD psychiatry