Hi, I am very scared right now. I ve done a lot of online research and I have no idea what I have? I would go to the doctors, but at the moment I have no medical insurance. Recently, I got these small red bumps near the opening of my anus, it looks almost like razor bumps from shaving, however I ve never had that problem before when shaving. I remember when I was getting ready to go to the bathroom, when i pulled my underwear down there was a stench coming from there. I noticed that there was a small amount of blood on there and the scent smelled very similar to the scent of girls on there period. I didn t think much of it. When I tried going to the bathroom, it was very difficult and painful. I examined my anus more carefully this time and noticed that was a little red, and noticed those small red bumps for the first time. I first I thought it was swollen, but now it doesn t seem that way? I compared it to anal herpes and it does not look like it at all. And now today, i woke up in the middle night extremely itchy.