Hi, I have had a really bad stomach bug since Friday... On Friday Morning I woke up feeling very qeasy and light headed, then just felt bloated and out of sorts for the rest of the day. On Saturday morning I woke up, went to the bathroom and immediately vomited a thick brown nasty vomit, then had to sit on the toilet while yellow liquid poured from my bum. My Stomach has been dodgy since, feeling bloated the whole time, no solid "stool" has been passed since this started on Friday, just constant liquid (even though I have eaten) - I can go to the loo and then feel I need to again after 5 minutes. My Stomach is constantly gurgling. I've been told it is a stomach virus and that others around me have had it as well, but theirs only lasted a couple of days, and mine is still here. Any ideas what I can do to relieve the symptoms at least? - Have tried immodium, it didn't help.