Hello, I fell down on the 16th of January 2014; flat on my chest (from err losing my balance attempting a kick, at a kickboxing class), and it didn t hurt immediately, so once I gathered my composure, I continued class. The next morning, I was sore in the chest area, but did not really think much of it, and attributed that sore-ness to my punches during the class. I went to ikea and lifted a 14kg item to the car (*I am female, 5 1 & 60kg, mid-late 20 s), as it wasn t very too far, about 200-250m. That night, I went salsa dancing, and the soreness got worse, but there wasn t any pain. The next morning, I woke up to an extreme pain down the side of my left shoulder blade, and it seemed to continue under my underarm in a somewhat linear form....to just above my left breast; the surrounding area was very sore. Sitting up, bending down, even walking, was painful.... breathing was a little bit painful, but only deep breath s really hurt. Sneezing, couging and laughing was extremely painful! The day after that (day 3) was the worst- pain worsened, and the whole area was very sore as well, along with the pain. The soreness started leaving/lifting from the 4th day, and the pain as well started lifting but a lot slower. Its now just over two weeks from the fall/ikea trip, and I still feel a sharp pain in my left chest, a spot above my left boob, whenever I sneeze, but not at any other time. There is a slight pain/discomfort on one small portion (2-3 inches) of my left shoulder blade- like a soreness- tight muscle ache, more than a pain. Sorry for the long introduction, but would you have any idea what could be wrong, and how long it would take for me to heal, as well as, when is it safe for me to continue my kickboxing classes? If I should I consult a physio/chiro/doctor- which would be best? Thanks so much for taking the time to read this! Sincerely, al