Hello Gaurav,
I understand you are in much worry about your headache..
From description given by you, I understand that you are having
tension headache and
let me explain you what is tension headache.. "tension" here does not mean worries but it means tension (stress) created in scalp muscles..
it is observed that peoples having stressful schedule has tensed muscles causing headache,
backache, bodyache etc...
typically quality of pain is streching type or feeling of heaviness
other symptoms you described which are.
shortness of breath, difficulty in concentration are typical symptoms of physical anxiety
for treatment, there are medicines available which helps in anxiety and various pains caused by it
i can not stress enough the role of life style modification in your problem..
ex.. yoga and relaxation would be of immense help
finding time for doing things u enjoy will be of immense help
quit any addiction if you have
take time for light exercise daily
have a regular schedule as much as possible