I read your question carefully and I understand your concern.
It seems that the left side of his brain which is responsible for language and movement of the right
limbs is damaged, hence his symptoms.
Regarding your specific question, yes of course there are people who have survived two strokes. Since he doesn't appear to be in a
coma, you say at times he opens his eyes and obeys simple orders there is a good chance he will survive as well. Whether he will resume speaking and have some degree of movement of his right limbs that is tough to say, it depends on the size of these two strokes and the exact area involved, improvement is expected during the first months with
physiotherapy, but tough to predict to what percentage.
Of course since he appears to be at a high stroke risk the cause of these repeated strokes must be addressed in order to reduce the risk for further recurrences which could be even more serious.
I hope to have been of help.